Source code for cmasher.utils

Utility functions for registering and manipulating colormaps in various ways.


# Built-in imports
import sys
from collections import OrderedDict
from glob import glob
from importlib.util import find_spec
from os import path
from textwrap import dedent
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Callable, Optional, Union

import matplotlib as mpl
import numpy as np

# Package imports
from colorspacious import cspace_converter
from matplotlib.colors import (
    ListedColormap as LC,

# CMasher imports
from cmasher import cm as cmrcm

from ._known_cmap_types import _CMASHER_BUILTIN_MAP_TYPES

    from matplotlib.artist import Artist

    if sys.version_info >= (3, 10):
        from typing import TypeAlias
        from typing_extensions import TypeAlias

_HAS_VISCM = find_spec("viscm") is not None

# All declaration
__all__ = [

# Obtain the colorspace converter for showing cmaps in gray-scale
cspace_convert = cspace_converter("sRGB1", "CAM02-UCS")

# Type aliases
CMAP = Union[str, Colormap]
RED: "TypeAlias" = float
GREEN: "TypeAlias" = float
BLUE: "TypeAlias" = float
RGB = list[tuple[RED, GREEN, BLUE]]

# Define function for obtaining the sorting order for lightness ranking
def _get_cmap_lightness_rank(cmap: CMAP) -> tuple[int, int, float, float, float, str]:
    Returns a tuple of objects used for sorting the provided `cmap` based
    on its lightness profile.

    cmap : str or :obj:`~matplotlib.colors.Colormap` object
        The registered name of the colormap in :mod:`` or its
        corresponding :obj:`~matplotlib.colors.Colormap` object.

    L_slope : int
        The slope type of lightness profile of `cmap`.
    L_type : int
        The range type of lightness profile of `cmap`.
        This is only used for sequential colormaps.
    L_start : float
        The starting lightness value of `cmap`.
        For diverging/cyclic colormaps, this is the central lightness value.
    L_rng : float
        The lightness range of `cmap`.
    L_rmse : float
        The RMSE of the lightness profile of `cmap`.
        For diverging/cyclic colormaps, this is the max RMSE of either half.
    name : str
        The name of `cmap`.
        For qualitative and miscellaneous colormaps, this is the only value
        that is used.

    # Obtain the colormap
    if isinstance(cmap, str):
        cmap = mpl.colormaps[cmap]

    cm_type = get_cmap_type(cmap)

    # Determine lightness profile stats for sequential/diverging/cyclic
    if cm_type in ("sequential", "diverging", "cyclic"):
        # Get RGB values for colormap
        rgb = cmap(np.arange(cmap.N))[:, :3]

        # Get lightness values of colormap
        lab = cspace_converter("sRGB1", "CAM02-UCS")(rgb)
        L = lab[:, 0]

        # If cyclic colormap, add first L at the end
        if cm_type == "cyclic":
            L = np.r_[L, [L[0]]]

        # Determine number of values that will be in deltas
        N_deltas = len(L) - 1

        # Determine the deltas of the lightness profile
        deltas = np.diff(L)
        derivs = N_deltas * deltas

        # Set lightness profile type to 0
        L_type = 0

        # Determine the RMSE of the lightness profile of a sequential colormap
        if cm_type == "sequential":
            # Take RMSE of entire lightness profile
            L_rmse = np.around(np.std(derivs), 0)

            # Calculate starting lightness value
            L_start = np.around(L[0], 0)

            # Determine type of lightness profile
            L_type += (not np.allclose(rgb[0], [0, 0, 0])) * 2
            L_type += np.allclose(rgb[0], [0, 0, 0]) == np.allclose(rgb[-1], [1, 1, 1])

        # Diverging/cyclic colormaps
            # Determine the center of the colormap
            central_i = [int(np.ceil(N_deltas / 2)), int(np.floor(N_deltas / 2))]

            # Calculate RMSE of both halves
            L_rmse = np.max(
                    np.around(np.std(derivs[: central_i[0]]), 0),
                    np.around(np.std(derivs[central_i[1] :]), 0),

            # Calculate central lightness value
            L_start = np.around(np.average(L[central_i]), 0)

        # Determine lightness range
        L_rng = np.around(np.max(L) - np.min(L), 0)

        # Determine if cmap goes from dark to light or the opposite
        L_slope = (L_start > L[-1]) * 2 - 1

    # For qualitative/misc colormaps, set all lightness values to zero
        L_slope = L_type = L_start = L_rng = L_rmse = 0

    # Return lightness contributions to the rank
    return (L_slope, L_type, L_start, L_rng, L_rmse,

# Define function for obtaining the sorting order for perceptual ranking
def _get_cmap_perceptual_rank(
    cmap: CMAP,
) -> tuple[int, int, float, float, float, float, str]:
    In addition to returning the lightness rank as given by
    :func:`~_get_cmap_lightness_rank`, also returns the length of the
    perceptual profile, also known as the perceptual range, of the provided

    cmap : str or :obj:`~matplotlib.colors.Colormap` object
        The registered name of the colormap in :mod:`` or its
        corresponding :obj:`~matplotlib.colors.Colormap` object.

    *L_rank : objects
        The values returned by :func:`~_get_cmap_lightness_rank`, except for
        the name of the colormap.
    P_rng : float
        The perceptual range of `cmap`.
    name : str
        The name of `cmap`.
        For qualitative and miscellaneous colormaps, this is the only value
        that is used.

    # Obtain the colormap
    if isinstance(cmap, str):
        cmap = mpl.colormaps[cmap]

    cm_type = get_cmap_type(cmap)

    # Determine perceptual range for sequential/diverging/cyclic
    if cm_type in ("sequential", "diverging", "cyclic"):
        # Get RGB values for colormap
        rgb = cmap(np.arange(cmap.N))[:, :3]

        # Get lab values of colormap
        lab = cspace_converter("sRGB1", "CAM02-UCS")(rgb)

        # If cyclic colormap, add first lab at the end
        if cm_type == "cyclic":
            lab = np.r_[lab, [lab[0]]]

        # Determine the deltas of the lightness profile
        deltas = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.diff(lab, axis=0) ** 2, axis=-1))

        # Determine perceptual range
        P_rng = np.around(np.sum(deltas), 0)

    # For qualitative/misc colormaps, set all values to zero
        P_rng = 0

    # Return perceptual contributions to the rank
    return (*_get_cmap_lightness_rank(cmap)[:-1], P_rng,

# This function combines multiple colormaps at given nodes
[docs] def combine_cmaps( *cmaps: Union[Colormap, str], nodes: Optional[Union[list[float], np.ndarray]] = None, n_rgb_levels: int = 256, combined_cmap_name: str = "combined_cmap", ) -> LinearSegmentedColormap: """Create a composite matplotlib colormap by combining multiple colormaps. Parameters ---------- *cmaps: Colormap or colormap name (str) to be combined. nodes: list or numpy array of nodes (float). Defaults: equal divisions. The blending points between colormaps, in the range [0, 1]. n_rgb_levels: int. Defaults: 256. Number of RGB levels for each colormap segment. combined_cmap_name: str. Defaults: "combined_cmap". name of the combined Colormap. Returns ------- Colormap: The composite colormap. Raises ------ TypeError: If the list contains mixed datatypes or invalid colormap names. ValueError: If the cmaps contain only one single colormap, or if the number of nodes is not one less than the number of colormaps, or if the nodes do not contain incrementing values between 0.0 and 1.0. Note ---- The colormaps are combined from low value to high value end. References ---------- - Examples -------- Using predefined colormap names:: >>> custom_cmap_1 = combine_cmaps( ["ocean", "prism", "coolwarm"], nodes=[0.2, 0.75] ) Using Colormap objects:: >>> cmap_0 = plt.get_cmap("Blues") >>> cmap_1 = plt.get_cmap("Oranges") >>> cmap_2 = plt.get_cmap("Greens") >>> custom_cmap_2 = combine_cmaps([cmap_0, cmap_1, cmap_2]) """ # Check colormap datatype and convert to list[Colormap] if len(cmaps) <= 1: raise ValueError("Expected at least two colormaps to combine.") for cm in cmaps: if not isinstance(cm, (Colormap, str)): raise TypeError(f"Unsupported colormap type: {type(cm)}.") _cmaps: list[Colormap] = [ cm if isinstance(cm, Colormap) else mpl.colormaps[cm] for cm in cmaps ] # Generate default nodes for equal separation if nodes is None: nodes_arr = np.linspace(0, 1, len(_cmaps) + 1) elif isinstance(nodes, (list, np.ndarray)): nodes_arr = np.concatenate([[0.0], nodes, [1.0]]) else: raise TypeError(f"Unsupported nodes type: {type(nodes)}, expect list of float.") # Check nodes length if len(nodes_arr) != len(_cmaps) + 1: raise ValueError( "Number of nodes should be one less than the number of colormaps." ) # Check node values if any((nodes_arr < 0) | (nodes_arr > 1)) or any(np.diff(nodes_arr) <= 0): raise ValueError( "Nodes should only contain increasing values between 0.0 and 1.0." ) # Generate composite colormap combined_cmap_segments = [] for i, cmap in enumerate(_cmaps): start_position = nodes_arr[i] end_position = nodes_arr[i + 1] # Calculate the length of the segment segment_length = int(n_rgb_levels * (end_position - start_position)) # Append the segment to the combined colormap segments combined_cmap_segments.append(cmap(np.linspace(0, 1, segment_length))) # Combine the segments (from bottom to top) return LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list( combined_cmap_name, np.vstack(combined_cmap_segments) )
# This function creates a standalone module of a CMasher colormap
[docs] def create_cmap_mod( cmap: str, *, save_dir: str = ".", _copy_name: Optional[str] = None ) -> str: """ Creates a standalone Python module of the provided *CMasher* `cmap` and saves it in the given `save_dir` as '<`cmap`>.py'. A standalone colormap module can be used to quickly share a colormap with someone without adding the *CMasher* dependency. Importing the created module allows the colormap to be used in the same way as usual through *MPL* (including the 'cmr.' prefix). Parameters ---------- cmap : str The name of the *CMasher* colormap a standalone Python module must be made for. An added 'cmr.' prefix will be ignored. Optional -------- save_dir : str. Default: '.' The path to the directory where the module must be saved. By default, the current directory is used. Returns ------- cmap_path : str The path to the Python file containing the colormap module. Example ------- Creating a standalone Python module of the 'rainforest' colormap:: >>> create_cmap_mod('rainforest') One can now import the 'rainforest' colormap in any script by moving the created '' file to the proper working directory and importing it with ``import rainforest``. Note ---- Unlike other *CMasher* utility functions, `cmap` solely accepts names of colormaps that are registered in *CMasher* (:mod:``). """ # Get absolute value to provided save_dir save_dir = path.abspath(save_dir) # Remove any 'cmr.' prefix from provided cmap name = cmap.removeprefix("cmr.") # Obtain the CMasher colormap associated with the provided cmap if (_cmap := cmrcm.cmap_d.get(name, None)) is None: raise ValueError(f"{name!r} is not a valid cmasher colormap name") cm_type = get_cmap_type(cmap) # Obtain the RGB tuples of provided cmap rgb = np.array(_cmap.colors) # Convert RGB values to string array_str = np.array2string( rgb, max_line_width=79, prefix="cm_data = ", separator=", ", threshold=rgb.size, formatter={"float": lambda x: "%.8f" % (x)}, ) # Create Python module template and add obtained RGB data to it cm_py_file = dedent( """ # %% IMPORTS # Package imports import matplotlib as mpl from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap # All declaration __all__ = ["cmap"] # Author declaration __author__ = "Ellert van der Velden (@1313e)" # Package declaration __package__ = "cmasher" # %% GLOBALS AND DEFINITIONS # Type of this colormap cm_type = '{0}' # RGB-values of this colormap cm_data = {1} # Create ListedColormap object for this colormap cmap = ListedColormap(cm_data, name='cmr.{2}', N={3}) cmap_r = cmap.reversed() # Register (reversed) cmap in MPL mpl.colormaps.register(cmap=cmap) mpl.colormaps.register(cmap=cmap_r) """ ) # If this colormap is cyclic, add code to register shifted version as well if cm_type == "cyclic": cm_py_file += dedent( """ # Shift the entire colormap by half of its length cm_data_s = list(cm_data[{4}:]) cm_data_s.extend(cm_data[:{4}]) # Create ListedColormap object for this shifted version cmap_s = ListedColormap(cm_data_s, name='cmr.{2}_s', N={3}) cmap_s_r = cmap_s.reversed() # Register shifted versions in MPL as well mpl.colormaps.register(cmap=cmap_s) mpl.colormaps.register(cmap=cmap_s_r) """ ) # Format py-file string cm_py_file = cm_py_file.format( cm_type, array_str, _copy_name or name, len(rgb), len(rgb) // 2 ) # Obtain the path to the module cmap_path = path.join(save_dir, f"{_copy_name or name}.py") # Create Python module with open(cmap_path, "w") as f: f.write(cm_py_file[1:]) # Return cmap_path return cmap_path
# This function creates an overview plot of all colormaps specified
[docs] def create_cmap_overview( cmaps: Union[list[CMAP], dict[str, list[Colormap]], None] = None, *, savefig: Optional[str] = None, use_types: bool = True, sort: Optional[Union[str, Callable]] = "alphabetical", show_grayscale: bool = True, show_info: bool = False, plot_profile: Union[bool, float] = False, dark_mode: bool = False, title: Optional[str] = "Colormap Overview", wscale: float = 1, hscale: float = 1, ) -> None: """ Creates an overview plot containing all colormaps defined in the provided `cmaps`. Optional -------- cmaps : list of {str; :obj:`~matplotlib.colors.Colormap` objects}, dict \ of lists or None. Default: None A list of all colormaps that must be included in the overview plot. If dict of lists, the keys define categories for the colormaps. If *None*, all colormaps defined in *CMasher* are used instead. savefig : str or None. Default: None If not *None*, the path where the overview plot must be saved to. Else, the plot will simply be shown. use_types : bool. Default: True Whether all colormaps in `cmaps` should be categorized into their colormap types (sequential; diverging; cyclic; qualitative; misc). If `cmaps` is a dict, this value is ignored. sort : {'alphabetical'/'name'; 'lightness'; 'perceptual'}, function or \ None. Default: 'alphabetical' String or function indicating how the colormaps should be sorted in the overview. If 'alphabetical', the colormaps are sorted alphabetically on their name. If 'lightness', the colormaps are sorted based on their lightness profile, which is given by :func:`~_get_cmap_lightness_rank`. If 'perceptual', the colormaps sorted based on their perceptual range in addition to their lightness profile, which is given by :func:`~_get_cmap_perceptual_rank`. Note that this is only meaningful if all `cmaps` are perceptually uniform sequential. If function, a function definition that takes a :obj:`~matplotlib.colors.Colormap` object and returns the sorted position of that colormap. If *None*, the colormaps retain the order they were given in. show_grayscale : bool. Default: True Whether to show the grayscale versions of the given `cmaps` in the overview. show_info : bool. Default: False Whether the statistics information of all sequential, diverging and cyclic colormaps should be shown under their names. This is a series of numbers representing, in order, the starting (sequential) or central (diverging/cyclic) lightness value; the final/outer lightness value; and the perceptual range of the colormap. plot_profile : bool or float. Default: False Whether the lightness profiles of all non-qualitative colormaps should be plotted. If not *False*, the lightness profile of a colormap is plotted on top of its gray-scale version and `plot_profile` is used for setting the alpha (opacity) value. If `plot_profile` is *True*, it will be set to `0.25`. If `show_grayscale` is *False*, this value is ignored. dark_mode : bool. Default: False Whether the colormap overview should be created using mostly dark colors. title : str or None. Default: "Colormap Overview" String to be used as the title of the colormap overview. If empty or *None*, no title will be used. wscale, hscale : float. Default: (1, 1) Floats that determine with what factor the colormap subplot dimensions in the overview should be scaled with. The default values uses the default dimensions for the subplots (which are determined by other input arguments). Notes ----- The colormaps in `cmaps` can either be provided as their registered name in :mod:``, or their corresponding :obj:`~matplotlib.colors.Colormap` object. Any provided reversed colormaps (colormaps that end their name with '_r') are ignored if their normal versions were provided as well. When `sort` is 'lightness' or 'perceptual', qualitative and miscellaneous colormaps are solely sorted on their names, as the lightness/perceptual profile of these colormaps is meaningless. If `plot_profile` is not set to *False*, the lightness profiles are plotted on top of the gray-scale colormap versions, where the y-axis ranges from 0% lightness to 100% lightness. The lightness profile transitions between black and white at 50% lightness. """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # If cmaps is None, use cmap_d.values if cmaps is None: cmaps = list(cmrcm.cmap_d.values()) # If sort is a string, obtain proper function if isinstance(sort, str): # Convert sort to lowercase sort = sort.lower() # Check what string was provided and obtain sorting function if sort in ("alphabetical", "name"): def sort_key(x): return elif sort == "lightness": sort_key = _get_cmap_lightness_rank elif sort == "perceptual": sort_key = _get_cmap_perceptual_rank else: raise ValueError( "Input argument 'sort' has invalid string value " "%r!" % (sort) ) # Create empty list of cmaps cmaps_list: list[Union[Colormap, tuple[str, bool]]] = [] # Define empty dict of colormaps cmaps_dict: OrderedDict[str, list[Colormap]] = OrderedDict() # If cmaps is a dict, it has cm_types defined if isinstance(cmaps, dict): # Set use_types to True use_types = True # Save provided cmaps as something else input_cmaps = cmaps # Loop over all cm_types for cm_type, maps in input_cmaps.items(): # Add empty list of colormaps to cmaps_dict with this cm_type cmaps_dict[cm_type] = [] # Loop over all cmaps and add their Colormap objects for cmap in maps: if isinstance(cmap, str): cmaps_dict[cm_type].append(mpl.colormaps[cmap]) else: cmaps_dict[cm_type].append(cmap) # Else, it is a list with no cm_types else: # If cm_types are requested if use_types: # Define empty dict with the base cm_types cm_types = ["sequential", "diverging", "cyclic", "qualitative", "misc"] cmaps_dict.update({cm_type: [] for cm_type in cm_types}) # Loop over all cmaps and add their Colormap objects for cm in cmaps: cm_type = get_cmap_type(cm) if isinstance(cm, str): cmaps_dict[cm_type].append(mpl.colormaps[cm]) else: cmaps_dict[cm_type].append(cm) else: # Loop over all cmaps and add their Colormap objects for cm in cmaps: if isinstance(cm, str): cmaps_list.append(mpl.colormaps[cm]) else: cmaps_list.append(cm) # If use_types is True, a dict is currently used if use_types: # Convert entire cmaps_dict into a list again for key, value in cmaps_dict.items(): # If this cm_type has at least 1 colormap, sort and add them if value: # Obtain the names of all colormaps names = [ for x in value] # Remove all reversed colormaps that also have their original off_dex = len(names) - 1 for i, name in enumerate(reversed(names)): if name.endswith("_r") and name[:-2] in names: value.pop(off_dex - i) # Sort the colormaps if requested if sort is not None: value.sort(key=sort_key) # Add to list cmaps_list.append((key, False)) cmaps_list.extend(value) # Else, a list is used else: # Obtain the names of all colormaps names = [ for x in cmaps_list if isinstance(x, Colormap)] # Remove all reversed colormaps that also have their original off_dex = len(names) - 1 for i, name in enumerate(reversed(names)): if name.endswith("_r") and name[:-2] in names: cmaps_list.pop(off_dex - i) # Sort the colormaps if requested if sort is not None: cmaps_list.sort(key=sort_key) # Add title to cmaps_list if requested if title: cmaps_list.insert(0, (title, True)) # Check value of show_grayscale if show_grayscale: # If True, the overview will have two columns ncols = 2 else: # If False, the overview will have one column ncols = 1 wscale *= 0.5 # Determine text/element positions wscale = 0.2 + 0.8 * wscale left_pos = 0.2 / wscale spacing = 0.01 / wscale title_pos = left_pos + (1 - spacing - left_pos) / 2 # If plot_profile is True, set it to its default value if plot_profile is True: plot_profile = 0.25 # Check if dark mode is requested if dark_mode: # If so, use dark gray for the background and light gray for the text edge_color = "#24292E" face_color = "#24292E" text_color = "#9DA5B4" else: # If not, use white for the background and black for the text edge_color = "#FFFFFF" face_color = "#FFFFFF" text_color = "#000000" # Create figure instance height = (0.4 * len(cmaps_list) + 0.1) * hscale fig, axs = plt.subplots( figsize=(6.4 * wscale, height), nrows=len(cmaps_list), ncols=ncols, edgecolor=edge_color, facecolor=face_color, ) # Adjust subplot positioning fig.subplots_adjust( top=(1 - 0.05 / height), bottom=0.05 / height, left=left_pos, right=1.0 - spacing, wspace=0.05, ) # If cmaps_list only has a single element, make sure axs is a list if len(cmaps_list) == 1: axs = [axs] # Loop over all cmaps defined in cmaps list for ax, _cm in zip(axs, cmaps_list): # Obtain axes objects and turn them off if show_grayscale: # Obtain Axes objects ax0, ax1 = ax # Turn axes off ax0.set_axis_off() ax1.set_axis_off() else: # Obtain Axes object ax0 = ax # Turn axis off ax0.set_axis_off() # Obtain position bbox of ax0 pos0 = ax0.get_position() # If cmap is a tuple, it defines a title or cm_type if isinstance(_cm, tuple): # If it is a title if _cm[1]: # Write the title as text in the correct position fig.text( title_pos, pos0.y0 + pos0.height / 2, _cm[0], va="center", ha="center", fontsize=18, c=text_color, ) # If it is a cm_type else: # Write the cm_type as text in the correct position fig.text( title_pos, pos0.y0, _cm[0], va="bottom", ha="center", fontsize=14, c=text_color, ) # Else, this is a colormap elif isinstance(_cm, Colormap): # Obtain the colormap type cm_type = get_cmap_type(_cm) # Get array of all values for which a colormap value is requested x = np.arange(_cm.N) # Get RGB values for colormap rgb = _cm(x)[:, :3] # Add colormap subplot ax0.imshow(rgb[np.newaxis, ...], aspect="auto") # Add gray-scale colormap subplot if requested if show_grayscale: # Get lightness values of colormap lab = cspace_convert(rgb) L = lab[:, 0] # Normalize lightness values L /= 99.99871678 # Get RGB values for lightness values using neutral rgb_L = cmrcm.neutral(L)[:, :3] # Add gray-scale colormap subplot ax1.imshow(rgb_L[np.newaxis, ...], aspect="auto") # Check if the lightness profile was requested if plot_profile and (cm_type != "qualitative"): # Determine the points that need to be plotted plot_L = -(L - 0.5) points = np.stack([x, plot_L], axis=1) # Determine the colors that each point must have # Use black for L >= 0.5 and white for L <= 0.5. colors = np.zeros_like(plot_L, dtype=int) colors[plot_L >= 0] = 1 # Split points up into segments with the same color s_idx = np.nonzero(np.diff(colors))[0] + 1 segments = np.split(points, s_idx) # Loop over all pairs of adjacent segments for i, (seg1, seg2) in enumerate(zip(segments[:-1], segments[1:])): # Determine the point in the center of these segments central_point = (seg1[-1] + seg2[0]) / 2 # Add this point to the ends of these segments # This ensures that color changes in between segments segments[i] = np.r_[segments[i], [central_point]] segments[i + 1] = np.r_[[central_point], segments[i + 1]] from matplotlib.collections import LineCollection # Create an MPL LineCollection object with these segments lc = LineCollection( segments, cmap=cmrcm.neutral, alpha=plot_profile, ) lc.set_linewidth(1) # Determine the colors of each segment s_colors = [colors[0]] s_colors.extend(colors[s_idx]) # Set the values of the line-collection to be these colors lc.set_array(np.array(s_colors)) # Add line-collection to this subplot ax1.add_collection(lc) # Determine positions of colormap name x_text = pos0.x0 - spacing y_text = pos0.y0 + pos0.height / 2 # Check if lightness information was requested for valid cm_type if show_info and cm_type in ("sequential", "diverging", "cyclic"): # If so, obtain lightness/perceptual profile information rank = _get_cmap_perceptual_rank(_cm)[0:6] # Write name of colormap in the correct position fig.text( x_text, y_text,, va="bottom", ha="right", fontsize=10, c=text_color, ) # Write lightness profile information in the correct position fig.text( x_text, y_text, f"({rank[2]:.3g}, {rank[2]-rank[0]*rank[3]:.3g}, {rank[5]:.3g})", va="top", ha="right", fontsize=10, c=text_color, ) else: # If not, just write the name of the colormap fig.text( x_text, y_text,, va="center", ha="right", fontsize=10, c=text_color, ) else: raise RuntimeError # If savefig is not None, save the figure if savefig is not None: dpi = 100 if (path.splitext(savefig)[1] == ".svg") else 250 plt.savefig(savefig, dpi=dpi, facecolor=face_color, edgecolor=edge_color) plt.close(fig) # Else, simply show it else:
# Define function that prints a string with the BibTeX entry to CMasher's paper
[docs] def get_bibtex() -> None: """ Prints a string that gives the BibTeX entry for citing the *CMasher* paper (Van der Velden 2020, JOSS, 5, 2004). """ # Create string with BibTeX entry bibtex = dedent( r""" @ARTICLE{2020JOSS....5.2004V, author = {{van der Velden}, Ellert}, title = "{CMasher: Scientific colormaps for making accessible, informative and 'cmashing' plots}", journal = {The Journal of Open Source Software}, keywords = {Python, science, colormaps, data visualization, plotting, Electrical Engineering and Systems Science - Image and Video Processing, Physics - Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability}, year = 2020, month = feb, volume = {5}, number = {46}, eid = {2004}, pages = {2004}, doi = {10.21105/joss.02004}, archivePrefix = {arXiv}, eprint = {2003.01069}, primaryClass = {eess.IV}, adsurl = {}, adsnote = {Provided by the SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System} } """ ) # Print the string print(bibtex.strip())
# This function returns a list of all colormaps available in CMasher
[docs] def get_cmap_list(cmap_type: str = "all") -> list[str]: """ Returns a list with the names of all colormaps available in *CMasher* of the given `cmap_type`. Note that *CMasher* colormaps registered in *MPL* have an added 'cmr.' prefix. Optional -------- cmap_type : {'a'/'all'; 's'/'seq'/'sequential'; 'd'/'div'/'diverging'; \ 'c'/'cyc'/'cyclic'}. Default: 'all' The colormap type that should be in the returned list. Returns ------- cmap_list : list of str List containing the names of all colormaps available in *CMasher*. """ # Convert cmap_type to lowercase cmap_type = cmap_type.lower() # Obtain proper list if cmap_type in ("a", "all"): cmaps = list(cmrcm.cmap_d) elif cmap_type in ("s", "seq", "sequential"): cmaps = list(cmrcm.cmap_cd["sequential"]) elif cmap_type in ("d", "div", "diverging"): cmaps = list(cmrcm.cmap_cd["diverging"]) elif cmap_type in ("c", "cyc", "cyclic"): cmaps = list(cmrcm.cmap_cd["cyclic"]) # Return cmaps return cmaps
# This function determines the colormap type of a given colormap
[docs] def get_cmap_type(cmap: CMAP) -> str: """ Checks what the colormap type (sequential; diverging; cyclic; qualitative; misc) of the provided `cmap` is and returns it. Parameters ---------- cmap : str or :obj:`~matplotlib.colors.Colormap` object The registered name of the colormap in :mod:`` or its corresponding :obj:`~matplotlib.colors.Colormap` object. Returns ------- cm_type : {'sequential'; 'diverging'; 'cyclic'; 'qualitative'; 'misc'} A string stating which of the defined colormap types the provided `cmap` has. """ # Obtain the colormap if isinstance(cmap, str): if cmap in _CMASHER_BUILTIN_MAP_TYPES: # fast track for known results return _CMASHER_BUILTIN_MAP_TYPES[cmap] cmap = mpl.colormaps[cmap] # Get RGB values for colormap rgb = cmap(np.arange(cmap.N))[:, :3] # Get lightness values of colormap lab = cspace_converter("sRGB1", "CAM02-UCS")(rgb) L = lab[:, 0] diff_L = np.diff(L) # Obtain central values of lightness N = cmap.N - 1 central_i = [int(np.floor(N / 2)), int(np.ceil(N / 2))] diff_L0 = np.diff(L[: central_i[0] + 1]) diff_L1 = np.diff(L[central_i[1] :]) # Obtain perceptual differences of last two and first two values lab_red = lab[[-2, -1, 0, 1]] deltas = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.diff(lab_red, axis=0) ** 2, axis=-1)) # Check the statistics of cmap and determine the colormap type # QUALITATIVE # If the colormap has less than 40 values, assume it is qualitative if cmap.N < 40: return "qualitative" # MISC 1 # If the colormap has only a single lightness, it is misc elif np.allclose(diff_L, 0): return "misc" # SEQUENTIAL # If the lightness values always increase or decrease, it is sequential elif np.isclose(np.abs(np.sum(diff_L)), np.sum(np.abs(diff_L))): return "sequential" # DIVERGING # If the lightness values have a central extreme and sequential sides # Then it is diverging elif np.isclose(np.abs(np.sum(diff_L0)), np.sum(np.abs(diff_L0))) and np.isclose( np.abs(np.sum(diff_L1)), np.sum(np.abs(diff_L1)) ): # If the perceptual difference between the last and first value is # comparable to the other perceptual differences, it is cyclic if np.all(np.abs(np.diff(deltas)) < deltas[::2]) and np.diff(deltas[::2]): return "cyclic" # Otherwise, it is a normal diverging colormap else: return "diverging" # MISC 2 # If none of the criteria above apply, it is misc else: return "misc"
# Function create a colormap using a subset of the colors in an existing one
[docs] def get_sub_cmap( cmap: CMAP, start: float, stop: float, *, N: Optional[int] = None ) -> LC: """ Creates a :obj:`` object using the colors in the range `[start, stop]` of the provided `cmap` and returns it. This function can be used to create a colormap that only uses a portion of an existing colormap. If `N` is not set to *None*, this function creates a qualitative colormap from `cmap` instead. Parameters ---------- cmap : str or :obj:`~matplotlib.colors.Colormap` object The registered name of the colormap in :mod:`` or its corresponding :obj:`~matplotlib.colors.Colormap` object. start, stop : float The normalized range of the colors in `cmap` that must be in the sub-colormap. Optional -------- N : int or None. Default: None The number of color segments to take from the provided `cmap` within the range given by the provided `start` and `stop`. If *None*, take all colors in `cmap` within this range. Returns ------- sub_cmap : :obj:`~matplotlib.colors.ListedColormap` The created colormap that uses a subset of the colors in `cmap`. If `N` is not *None*, this will be a qualitative colormap. Example ------- Creating a colormap using the first 80% of the 'rainforest' colormap:: >>> get_sub_cmap('cmr.rainforest', 0, 0.8) Creating a qualitative colormap containing five colors from the middle 60% of the 'lilac' colormap: >>> get_sub_cmap('cmr.lilac', 0.2, 0.8, N=5) Notes ----- As it can create artifacts, this function does not interpolate between the colors in `cmap` to fill up the space. Therefore, using values for `start` and `stop` that are too close to each other, may result in a colormap that contains too few different colors to be smooth. It is recommended to use at least 128 different colors in a colormap for optimal results (*CMasher* colormaps have 256 or 511/510 different colors, for sequential or diverging/cyclic colormaps respectively). One can check the number of colors in a colormap with :attr:`matplotlib.colors.Colormap.N`. Any colormaps created using this function are not registered in either *CMasher* or *MPL*. """ if isinstance(cmap, str): # Obtain the colormap cmap = mpl.colormaps[cmap] # Check value of N to determine suffix for the name suffix = "_sub" if N is None else "_qual" # Obtain colors colors = take_cmap_colors(cmap, N, cmap_range=(start, stop)) # Create new colormap sub_cmap = LC(colors, + suffix, N=len(colors)) # Return sub_cmap return sub_cmap
# Function to import all custom colormaps in a file or directory
[docs] def import_cmaps(cmap_path: str, *, _skip_registration: bool = False) -> None: """ Reads in custom colormaps from a provided file or directory `cmap_path`; transforms them into :obj:`~matplotlib.colors.ListedColormap` objects; and makes them available in the :mod:`` module, in addition to registering them in the :mod:`` module. Both the imported colormap and its reversed version will be registered. If a provided colormap is a 'cyclic' colormap, its shifted version will also be registered with the `_s` suffix. Parameters ---------- cmap_path : str Relative or absolute path to a custom colormap file; or directory that contains custom colormap files. A colormap file can be a *NumPy* binary file ('.npy'); a *viscm* source file ('.jscm'); or any text file. If the file is not a JSCM-file, it must contain the normalized; 8-bit; or hexadecimal string RGB values that define the colormap. Notes ----- All colormap files must have names starting with the 'cm\\_' prefix. The resulting colormaps will have the name of their file without the prefix and extension. In *MPL*, the colormaps will have the added 'cmr.' prefix to avoid name clashes. Example ------- Importing a colormap named 'test' can be done by saving its normalized RGB values in a file called 'cm_test.txt' and executing >>> import_cmaps('/path/to/dir/cm_test.txt') The 'test' colormap is now available in *CMasher* and *MPL* using >>> # CMasher >>> plt.get_cmap('cmr.test') # MPL """ # Obtain path to file or directory with colormaps cmap_path = path.abspath(cmap_path) # Check if provided file or directory exists if not path.exists(cmap_path): raise OSError( "Input argument 'cmap_path' is a non-existing path (%r)!" % (cmap_path) ) # Check if cmap_path is a file or directory and act accordingly if path.isfile(cmap_path): # If file, split cmap_path up into dir and file components cmap_dir, cmap_file = path.split(cmap_path) # Check if its name starts with 'cm_' and raise error if not if not cmap_file.startswith("cm_"): raise OSError( "Input argument 'cmap_path' does not lead to a file " "with the 'cm_' prefix (%r)!" % (cmap_path) ) # Set cm_files to be the sole read-in file cm_files = [cmap_file] else: # If directory, obtain the names of all colormap files in cmap_path cmap_dir = cmap_path cm_files = list(map(path.basename, glob("%s/cm_*" % (cmap_dir)))) cm_files.sort() def sort_key(name): # prioritize binary files over text files because binary loads faster _, ext = path.splitext(name) if ext == ".npy": return 0 if ext == ".txt": return 1 return 10 cm_files.sort(key=sort_key) del sort_key if any(file.endswith(".jscm") for file in cm_files) and not _HAS_VISCM: raise ValueError("The 'viscm' package is required to read '.jscm' files!") # Read in all the defined colormaps, transform and register them seen: set[str] = set() for cm_file in cm_files: # Split basename and extension base_str, ext_str = path.splitext(cm_file) if base_str in seen: continue else: seen.add(base_str) cm_name = base_str[3:] # Obtain absolute path to colormap data file cm_file_path = path.join(cmap_dir, cm_file) # Process colormap files try: # If file is a NumPy binary file if ext_str == ".npy": rgb = np.load(cm_file_path) # If file is viscm source file elif ext_str == ".jscm": import viscm # Load colormap cmap = viscm.gui.Colormap(None, None, None) cmap.load(cm_file_path) # Create editor and obtain RGB values v = viscm.viscm_editor( uniform_space=cmap.uniform_space, cmtype=cmap.cmtype, method=cmap.method, **cmap.params, ) rgb, _ = v.cmap_model.get_sRGB() # If file is anything else else: rgb = np.genfromtxt( cm_file_path, dtype=None, comments="//", encoding=None ) # type: ignore [call-overload] if not _skip_registration: # Register colormap register_cmap(cm_name, rgb) # Check if provided cmap is a cyclic colormap # If so, obtain its shifted (reversed) versions as well if get_cmap_type("cmr." + cm_name) == "cyclic": # Determine the central value index of the colormap idx = len(rgb) // 2 # Shift the entire colormap by this index rgb_s = np.r_[rgb[idx:], rgb[:idx]] if not _skip_registration: # Register this colormap as well register_cmap(cm_name + "_s", rgb_s) # If any error is raised, reraise it except Exception as error: raise ValueError( f"Provided colormap {cm_name} is invalid! ({error})" ) from error
# Function to register a custom colormap in MPL and CMasher
[docs] def register_cmap(name: str, data: RGB) -> None: """ Creates a :obj:`~matplotlib.colors.ListedColormap` object using the provided `name` and `data`, and registers the colormap in the :mod:`` and :mod:`` modules. A reversed version of the colormap will be registered as well. Parameters ---------- name : str The name that this colormap must have. data : 2D array_like of {float; int} with shape `(N, 3)` or 1D array_like \ of str with shape `(N, )` An array containing the RGB values of all segments in the colormap. If float, the array contains normalized RGB values. If int, the array contains 8-bit RGB values. If str, the array contains hexadecimal string RGB values. Note ---- In *MPL*, the colormap will have the added 'cmr.' prefix to avoid name clashes. """ # Convert provided data to a NumPy array cm_data_arr = np.array(data) # Check the type of the data if issubclass(cm_data_arr.dtype.type, str): # If the values are strings, make sure they start with a '#' if cm_data_arr.ndim == 0: cm_data = [cm_data_arr.item()] else: cm_data = ["#" + x if not x.startswith("#") else x for x in cm_data_arr] try: # Convert all values to floats colorlist = [to_rgb(_) for _ in cm_data] except ValueError: raise ValueError( f"Input data isn't valid hexadecimal RGB values: {data=}" ) from None else: # Make sure that cm_data is 2D cm_data_arr = np.atleast_2d(cm_data_arr) # If the values are integers, divide them by 255 if issubclass(cm_data_arr.dtype.type, np.integer): cm_data_arr = cm_data_arr / 255 # Convert cm_data to a list colorlist = cm_data_arr.tolist() # Transform colorlist into a Colormap cmap_N = len(colorlist) cmap_mpl = LC(colorlist, "cmr." + name, N=cmap_N) cmap_cmr = LC(colorlist, name, N=cmap_N) cmap_mpl_r = cmap_mpl.reversed() cmap_cmr_r = cmap_cmr.reversed() # Determine the cm_type of the colormap if name in _CMASHER_BUILTIN_MAP_TYPES: cm_type = _CMASHER_BUILTIN_MAP_TYPES[name] else: cm_type = get_cmap_type(cmap_mpl) # Test that the colormaps can be called cmap_mpl(1) cmap_mpl_r(1) # Add cmap to matplotlib's cmap list mpl.colormaps.register(cmap=cmap_mpl) setattr(cmrcm,, cmap_cmr) cmrcm.__all__.append( cmrcm.cmap_d[] = cmap_cmr cmrcm.cmap_cd[cm_type][] = cmap_cmr # Add reversed cmap to matplotlib's cmap list mpl.colormaps.register(cmap=cmap_mpl_r) setattr(cmrcm,, cmap_cmr_r) cmrcm.__all__.append( cmrcm.cmap_d[] = cmap_cmr_r cmrcm.cmap_cd[cm_type][] = cmap_cmr_r
# Function to set the legend label of an artist that uses a colormap
[docs] def set_cmap_legend_entry(artist: "Artist", label: str) -> None: """ Sets the label of the provided `artist` to `label`, and creates a legend entry using a miniature version of the colormap of `artist` as the legend icon. This function can be used to add legend entries for *MPL* artists that use a colormap, like those made with :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.hexbin`; :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.hist2d`; :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.scatter`; or any :mod:`~matplotlib.pyplot` function that takes `cmap` as an input argument. Keep in mind that using this function will override any legend entry that already exists for `artist`. Parameters ---------- artist : :obj:`~matplotlib.artist.Artist` object Any artist object that has the `cmap` attribute, for which a legend entry must be made using its colormap as the icon. label : str The string that must be set as the label of `artist`. """ from matplotlib.legend import Legend # Obtain the colormap of the provided artist cmap = getattr(artist, "cmap", None) # If cmap is None, raise error if cmap is None: raise ValueError("Input argument 'artist' does not have attribute 'cmap'!") # Set the label of this artist artist.set_label(label) # Add the HandlerColorPolyCollection to the default handler map for artist from ._handlercolorpolycollection import _HandlerColorPolyCollection Legend.get_default_handler_map()[artist] = _HandlerColorPolyCollection() # type: ignore [index]
# Function to take N equally spaced colors from a colormap
[docs] def take_cmap_colors( cmap: CMAP, N: Optional[int], *, cmap_range: tuple[float, float] = (0, 1), return_fmt: str = "float", ) -> RGB: """ Takes `N` equally spaced colors from the provided colormap `cmap` and returns them. Parameters ---------- cmap : str or :obj:`~matplotlib.colors.Colormap` object The registered name of the colormap in :mod:`` or its corresponding :obj:`~matplotlib.colors.Colormap` object. N : int or None The number of colors to take from the provided `cmap` within the given `cmap_range`. If *None*, take all colors in `cmap` within this range. Optional -------- cmap_range : tuple of float. Default: (0, 1) The normalized value range in the colormap from which colors should be taken. By default, colors are taken from the entire colormap. return_fmt : {'float'/'norm'; 'int'/'8bit'; 'str'/'hex'}. Default: 'float' The format of the requested colors. If 'float'/'norm', the colors are returned as normalized RGB tuples. If 'int'/'8bit', the colors are returned as 8-bit RGB tuples. If 'str'/'hex', the colors are returned using their hexadecimal string representations. Returns ------- colors : list of {tuple; str} The colors that were taken from the provided `cmap`. Examples -------- Taking five equally spaced colors from the 'rainforest' colormap:: >>> take_cmap_colors('cmr.rainforest', 5) [(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), (0.226123592, 0.124584033, 0.562997277), (0.0548210513, 0.515835251, 0.45667819), (0.709615979, 0.722863985, 0.0834727592), (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)] Requesting their 8-bit RGB values instead:: >>> take_cmap_colors('cmr.rainforest', 5, return_fmt='int') [(0, 0, 0), (58, 32, 144), (14, 132, 116), (181, 184, 21), (255, 255, 255)] Requesting HEX-code values instead:: >>> take_cmap_colors('cmr.rainforest', 5, return_fmt='hex') ['#000000', '#3A2090', '#0E8474', '#B5B815', '#FFFFFF'] Requesting colors in a specific range:: >>> take_cmap_colors('cmr.rainforest', 5, cmap_range=(0.2, 0.8), return_fmt='hex') ['#3E0374', '#10528A', '#0E8474', '#5CAD3C', '#D6BF4A'] Note ---- Using this function on a perceptually uniform sequential colormap, like those in *CMasher*, allows one to pick a number of line colors that are different but still sequential. This is useful when plotting a set of lines that describe the same property, but have a different initial state. """ # Convert provided fmt to lowercase return_fmt = return_fmt.lower() # Obtain the colormap if isinstance(cmap, str): cmap = mpl.colormaps[cmap] # Check if provided cmap_range is valid if not ((0 <= cmap_range[0] <= 1) and (0 <= cmap_range[1] <= 1)): raise ValueError( "Input argument 'cmap_range' does not contain normalized values!" ) # Extract and convert start and stop to their integer indices (inclusive) start = int(np.floor(cmap_range[0] * cmap.N)) stop = int(np.ceil(cmap_range[1] * cmap.N)) - 1 # Pick colors if N is None: index = np.arange(start, stop + 1, dtype=int) else: index = np.array(np.rint(np.linspace(start, stop, num=N)), dtype=int) colors = cmap(index) # Convert colors to proper format if return_fmt in ("float", "norm", "int", "8bit"): colors = np.apply_along_axis(to_rgb, 1, colors) # type: ignore [arg-type] if return_fmt in ("int", "8bit"): colors = np.array(np.rint(colors * 255), dtype=int) colors = list(map(tuple, colors)) else: colors = [to_hex(x).upper() for x in colors] # Return colors return colors
# Function to view what a colormap looks like
[docs] def view_cmap( cmap: CMAP, *, savefig: Optional[str] = None, show_test: bool = False, show_grayscale: bool = False, ) -> None: """ Shows a simple plot of the provided `cmap`. Parameters ---------- cmap : str or :obj:`~matplotlib.colors.Colormap` object The registered name of the colormap in :mod:`` or its corresponding :obj:`~matplotlib.colors.Colormap` object. Optional -------- savefig : str or None. Default: None If not *None*, the path where the plot must be saved to. Else, the plot will simply be shown. show_test : bool. Default: False If *True*, show a colormap test in the plot instead. show_grayscale : bool. Default: False If *True*, also show the grayscale version of `cmap`. """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt if isinstance(cmap, str): # Obtain cmap cmap = mpl.colormaps[cmap] # Check if show_grayscale is True if show_grayscale: # If so, create a colormap of cmap in grayscale rgb = cmap(np.arange(cmap.N))[:, :3] L = cspace_convert(rgb)[:, 0] L /= 99.99871678 rgb_L = cmrcm.neutral(L)[:, :3] cmap_L = LC(rgb_L) # Set that there are two plots to create nplots = 2 else: # Else, there is only one plot nplots = 1 # Create figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(ncols=nplots, figsize=(12.8 * nplots, 3.2)) # Check if show_test is True if show_test: # If so, use a colormap test data file data = np.load(path.join(path.dirname(__file__), "data/colormaptest.npy")) else: # If not, just plot the colormap data = [np.linspace(0, 1, cmap.N)] # If show_grayscale is True, show both plots instead of just one if show_grayscale: ax[0].imshow(data, cmap=cmap, aspect="auto") ax[0].set_axis_off() ax[1].imshow(data, cmap=cmap_L, aspect="auto") ax[1].set_axis_off() else: ax.imshow(data, cmap=cmap, aspect="auto") ax.set_axis_off() # Use tight layout plt.tight_layout(pad=0, h_pad=0, w_pad=0) # If savefig is not None, save the figure if savefig is not None: plt.savefig(savefig, dpi=100, bbox_inches="tight", pad_inches=0) plt.close(fig) # Else, simply show it else:
# %% IMPORT SCRIPT # Import all colormaps defined in './colormaps' import_cmaps(path.join(path.dirname(__file__), "colormaps"))